Saturday, May 16, 2009

Penipuan Kartu Kredit BII

Master Credit Card (Lion Air) baru saya terima kurang lebih 1 minggu dengan credit limit nominal 10 jt rupiah lalu saya ditelephone oleh BII tgl 25 Mei 2007 pada hari Jumat ditawari ganti produk credit loan uang 10 jt yang akan ditransfer ke rekening BCA saya pada hari senin. Pada hari sabtu master card dan ktp saya yang asli diminta untuk diganti Credit loan oleh kurirnya BII (saya lupa cardnya tidak saya gunting) dan siangnya saya ditelephone oleh BII Jakarta untuk konfirmasi apakah saya menggunakan credit card itu untuk membeli perhiasan di siola toko mas senilai 9.604.750,- .Saya jawab tidak melakukan transaksi itu dan saya suruh untuk membatalkan transaksi tersebut sebab saya ada di rumah tgl 26 mei 2007 saat transaksi tersebut dan mastercard belum saya aktifkan padahal password yang digunakan untuk transaksi itu salah . Yang saya herankan “Mengapa transaksinya masih bisa berjalan dengan mulus?”
Saya melaporkan kejadian tersebut ke kepolisian sektor rungkut tgl 31 Mei 2007 lalu saya komplain ke BII Jakarta. Saya disuruh mengirim faks kronologisnya dan sudah saya faks. Katanya akan dirapatkan, saya mendapat surat dari BII Jakarta tgl 26 Juni 2007 tapi saya sering diteror oleh debt collector lalu saya ke BII Surabaya. Saya bertemu dengan Bapak Agus dan menceritakan kronologisnya kepada Bapak Agus. Kemudian dia bilang sudah beres, sudah tidak ada penagihan lagi katanya memang waktu itu ada oknum yang berbuat begitu tetapi oleh pihak bank, oknum tersebut sudah dimutasi.

Beberapa minggu kemudian saya ditelphone oleh BII ( Bu Eka). Dia bilang akan mengganti baru credit card saya itu. Dia bilang bahwa sayang kalau fasilitas credit card sejumlah 10 jt tidak dipakai. Dia menjelaskan bahwa credit card yang lampau sudah tidak ada masalah. Pada waktu mengantar mastercard yang baru kebetulan saya sendiri yang menerima. Saya kenal kurirnya yaitu yang mengambil card dan ktp saya yang lama , saya segera telphone ke BII Jakarta dengan waktu hanya selisih 5 menit, tapi mereka mengatakan tidak dapat diurus. Alasannya saya tidak tahu nama kurir itu. Kemudian ada tagihan card baru pada tanggal 28 Juni 2007 dengan nominal 9.604.750,- . Penagihan ini berasal dari saldo credit card yang lama yang mana katanya sudah beres masalahnya. Padahal card yang baru hingga sekarang tidak pernah diaktifkan, kemudian saya dikejar-kejar debt collector yang datang 3-4 orang dengan cara ditelphone dan datang kerumah hingga kini 6 April 2009, dan saya sudah lapor polisi lagi dan debt colector menyuruh saya datang lagi ke BII Jl. Jembatan Merah menemui bapak umar, sampai sampai debt collectornya melontarkan kata kata yang tak pantas. Dia bilang hukum di Indonesia tak sama dengan hukumnya cina, apa maksudnya? Saya menjawab saya orang Indonesia tidak ada hubungannya dengan cina! Dia mengatai saya juga sudah tua kok membandel tidak mau membayar dan katanya saya merugikan uang Negara.

Saya mohon Pimpinan BII dapat membantu dan melindungi saya sebagai warga Negara Indonesia yang tertipu tetapi tidak ada jalan keluarnya untuk mengatasi perkara ini. mohon bantuan untuk menegakkan kebenaran.

Clara Irawati
Rungkut Asri RL/1A 26

Catatan Redaksi: Surat ini sudah ditanggapi oleh BII di

Jakarta - Menindaklanjuti pengaduan yang disampaikan Ibu Clara Irawati melalui berjudul 'Mohon BII Dapat Membantu dan Melindungi Nasabah' pada 10 April 2009, kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan yang dialami oleh yang bersangkutan.

Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran internal BII, permasalahan yang dialami oleh Ibu Clara terjadi karena yang bersangkutan memberikan kartu kredit tanpa digunting beserta KTP kepada pihak ketiga. Dalam hal ini kurir.

Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal tersebut, sebagaimana telah kami tegaskan melalui notifikasi secara jelas pada amplop surat pengiriman kartu kredit bahwa Card Center tidak memberi kuasa kepada siapa pun untuk mengambil kartu kredit dari pemegang kartu kredit yang sah.

Apabila Ibu Clara membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi BII Customer Care (24 Jam) di Surabaya (031) 550 6811, via ponsel (GSM) 69811, atau melalui email di

Demikian penjelasan ini kami sampaikan. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Hormat kami,
PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk
Esti Nugraheni
Kepala Divisi Komunikasi

Benchmark Lending Process

There is no single benchmarking process that has been universally adopted. The wide appeal and acceptance of benchmarking has led to various benchmarking methodologies emerging. The most prominent methodology is the 12 stage methodology by Robert Camp (who wrote the first book on benchmarking in 1989)[1].

The 12 stage methodology consisted of 1. Select subject ahead 2. Define the process 3. Identify potential partners 4. Identify data sources 5. Collect data and select partners 6. Determine the gap 7. Establish process differences 8. Target future performance 9. Communicate 10. Adjust goal 11. Implement 12. Review/recalibrate.

The following is an example of a typical shorter version of the methodology:

  1. Identify your problem areas - Because benchmarking can be applied to any business process or function, a range of research techniques may be required. They include: informal conversations with customers, employees, or suppliers; exploratory research techniques such as focus groups; or in-depth marketing research, quantitative research, surveys, questionnaires, re-engineering analysis, process mapping, quality control variance reports, or financial ratio analysis. Before embarking on comparison with other organizations it is essential that you know your own organization's function, processes; base lining performance provides a point against which improvement effort can be measured.
  2. Identify other industries that have similar processes - For instance if one were interested in improving hand offs in addiction treatment he/she would try to identify other fields that also have hand off challenges. These could include air traffic control, cell phone switching between towers, transfer of patients from surgery to recovery rooms.
  3. Identify organizations that are leaders in these areas - Look for the very best in any industry and in any country. Consult customers, suppliers, financial analysts, trade associations, and magazines to determine which companies are worthy of study.
  4. Survey companies for measures and practices - Companies target specific business processes using detailed surveys of measures and practices used to identify business process alternatives and leading companies. Surveys are typically masked to protect confidential data by neutral associations and consultants.
  5. Visit the "best practice" companies to identify leading edge practices - Companies typically agree to mutually exchange information beneficial to all parties in a benchmarking group and share the results within the group.
  6. Implement new and improved business practices - Take the leading edge practices and develop implementation plans which include identification of specific opportunities, funding the project and selling the ideas to the organization for the purpose of gaining demonstrated value from the process.

Wisconsin's lemon law

If the motor vehicle you buy or lease turns out to be a "lemon," the manufacturer has to replace it free or refund the price (minus a reasonable amount for mileage).

What is a "lemon"?

A new vehicle - no more than a year old and still under warranty - is a "lemon" if

  • It has a serious defect the dealer can't fix in four tries, or
  • It has one or many defects that prevent you from using it for 30 days or more (the 30 days need not be consecutive)

What is a defect?

A defect covered by the Lemon Law must seriously affect the use, value or safety of your vehicle and must be covered by the warranty. An irritating rattle may not be "serious" enough to make your car a lemon. Stalling probably is.

What vehicles are covered?

The law covers any new car, truck, motorcycle or motor home (does not include mopeds, semi-trailers, trailers or non-motorized RVs) you buy or lease, even if you register the vehicle in another state. It also covers a demonstrator or executive vehicle.

How long are you covered?

The lemon law includes no deadline for filing a lemon law suit; a court would decide if your case were too old.

Is your vehicle a lemon?

Your vehicle is a lemon if all of the following statements are true:
  • You bought or leased a new vehicle.
  • The vehicle is a car, truck, motorcycle or motor home.
  • The vehicle developed a defect or defects during its first year and before the warranty expired.
  • The defect seriously harms the vehicle's use, value or safety.
  • One of the following happened during the vehicle's first year and before the warranty expired:
    • The dealer failed four times to fix the same defect; OR
    • The vehicle was out of service for 30 days or more due to defects
For More Information visit here

Friday, May 15, 2009

Life Insurance, Is It Important?

Life insurance is a contract between an insurer and a policy owner in which the insurer promises to pay the beneficiaries of the insured in the event of his death provided that the policy owner pays a lump sum of premiums over a period. Term life insurance is the simplest type of life insurance. This kind of insurance provides protection coverage for a specified term – a particular number of years cited in the contract. This typically is pure risk insurance because it does not accumulate the cash value of the premiums being paid and that the insurer pays only in the event that the insured person dies within the specified term of coverage.

This type of insurance was designed to provide short-term life insurance coverage for people that have limited budgets. Premiums of this insurance are generally lower than whole life insurance premiums because both parties – the insured and the insurer, agree that there is no certainty that the insured’s death will occur within the term of coverage specified in the indenture. This insurance is purchased for the purpose of accommodating immediate goals such as loan payment, funeral costs, mortgages, and education fees.

Three variables are considered in term life insurance – value of protection, term of coverage, and the cost of insurance. Insurance companies offer insurance using a combination of these three variables. Term of coverage can be a term of one or two years; value of protection and cost of insurance may rise, remain, or decline.

Examples of this insurance include mortgage insurance and annual renewable term. The premiums of annual renewable term are based on the probability that the insured will die within the specified term. Mortgage insurance assures that mortgage loans will be paid by the insurer in the event of the insured’s death.

An insured individual who dies within the specified term of coverage of the insurance policy will have his beneficiaries be paid the insurance claims. However, if the insured does not die within the specified term, he or his beneficiaries will receive nothing from the insurance company. The difference of term life insurance with whole life insurance is that the policy owner is given the option of renewing or dropping the coverage by the stopping the payment of premiums.

The features of this type of insurance include convenience and affordability, flexibility, and renewable characteristic. The premiums of this insurance are relatively lower and the term of coverage may be just one or two years. It can serve as a risk protection for the financial obligations of the insured person. Financial resources will be readily available when the death of the insured occurs. Insurance company policies, mortality, changes of earning, and other factors determine the increase or decrease of the insurance premium.

At the expiration of the term life insurance coverage, the policy owner is given the option to review his resources and renew the insurance by paying a higher premium each year. In addition, this insurance can be converted to permanent life insurance provided the insurance company allows the conversion of such. This insurance is the most economical way of acquiring protection coverage at a very low premium payment.

Fortis Health Insurance

Fortis Health Insurance is a registered trademark of Fortis Health Insurance. Fortis Health Insurance is not affiliated with, nor does it endorse or sponsor, the contents of this webpage or the website. Trademarks referring to specific providers are used by for nominative purposes only: to truthfully identify the source of the products about which information is provided. Such trademarks are solely the property of their respective owners.

For more than a century, our company, Fortis Health Insurance has focused solely on health insurance coverage. Fortis has a reliable variety of health care coverage available to individuals and families, small group employers, and specialty health insurance coverage. This is perfect for those who are self-employed, or for those working for an employer who does not provide health insurance. You will find that our specialty medical products include international and student health insurance coverage, and that our company provides long term or market leading short term insurance for all needs. Fortis Health Insurance also has a variety of discount plans that include Prescriptions and Dental-Vision. Check our website to see which one of our Fortis Health Insurance services can meet your needs at this time. With this wide variety of available insurance plans, Fortis Heath puts insurance back in the hands of you, the consumer, providing health insurance at an affordable price and as you want it.

Fortis Health's unique approach to health insurance allows you worldwide coverage 24 hours a day. There is no need for referrals to see a specialist. There is a lifetime benefit maximum of $8 million. Fortis Health Insurance allows you the choice of doctors and hospitals from extensive networks. There is also a first-year rate guarantee.

Fortis Health Insurance provides a wide variety of plans for individual policies. The types of plans include Network, Traditional, and Health Savings Account (HSA). For businesses, there are choices of Medical Plans, online management tools for the business owner and employees, and customer service all day, everyday so that your business does not have to skip a beat in today's demanding world. Business Medical plans range from Major Medical, Consumer Choice Plans, Self-Funded Products, and Ancillary Products. Undergraduate and graduate college students who are no longer being covered under their parents' heath care plan can benefit from Fortis Health Insurance as well. Our International Medical plans can also make sure that trip abroad does not interfere with heath coverage, so that you can rest knowing that you are covered not only in the United States, but overseas as well.

Fortis Health Insurance provides Assurant Health's Short Term Medical (STM) insurance and is the national leader in providing short term medical plans for those who are in between jobs, laid off, on strike, waiting for group coverage, seasonal employees, early retirees who are waiting for Medicare to begin, and those waiting for their employee group coverage to start. Fortis Health Insurance provides temporary health insurance plans that can offer coverage for as little as 30 days, or as long as 365 days.

To talk with us at Fortis Health Insurance, please call us directly at 1-800-211-1193, or you can e-mail or fax us at 1-414-224-0472.

Fortis Health Insurance has approximately 2,500 people at locations such as Milwaukee, WI, Kansas City, MO, Miami, FL, Dublin, OH, Dallas, TX, Boise, ID, Charlotte, NC, and Minneapolis, MN. Our headquarters are located in Milwaukee, WI.

Our organization is known as Fortis Health Insurance in the market. The Fortis Health Insurance Company includes health and medical products issued and underwritten by Fortis Insurance Company, John Alden Life Insurance Company, and Fortis Benefits Insurance Company.

Fortis Heath Insurance is a part of Fortis, Inc., and thanks to the support of our affiliates and operating companies, we are able to provide a wide variety of individuals, businesses, financial service organizations, and associations that are within the United States with specialty insurance and investment products. In the international market, Fortis, Inc. is a part of Fortis group, operating in the many fields of insurance, banking, and investments. Our listed companies are Fortis (B) of Belgium and Fortis (NL) of The Netherlands.

For More Information Click Here

BCA Platinum Credit Card

Sebagai bank yang telah meluncurkan kartu kredit berbasis Smart Chip (EMV-Europay Master Visa), Kartu Kredit BCA mencapai 1.9 juta kartu yang terdiri dari Kartu Kredit BCA Card, MasterCard, BCA Visa dan BCA JCB. Kartu Kredit BCA diterima di jutaan tempat usaha di dunia juga di lebih dari 65.000 tempat usaha diseluruh Indonesia. Memiliki jaringan 800 kantor cabang BCA dan sekitar 6.000 ATM yang memudahkan pemegang kartu bertransaksi.

Kartu Kredit BCA merupakan kartu kredit yang bukan sekedar alat pembayaran tetapi juga memiliki berbagai keistimewaan lain serta khusus dirancang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan gaya hidup masing-masing nasabahnya. Memiliki Kartu Kredit BCA memiliki nilai tambah tersendiri karena keunikan desain kartunya dan the collectible must have items seperti kartu kredit MC2 dengan image karakter dari Warner Bros; Tazmanian Devil, Kartu Kredit BCA Visa Batman, dan Kartu Kredit BCA Carrefour yang memberikan “Double Deal” (double keuntungan) dalam berbelanja serta kartu kredit BCA Visa Platinum untuk kalangan eksekutif.

Kartu kredit yang dikenal dengan jargon A Smarter Way To Pay ini memiliki berbagai penawaran menarik dengan sejumlah partner bisnis terkenal seperti Starbucks Coffee, Toko Buku Gramedia, Cineplex 21, Hard Rock Café, Pizza Hut, Celebrity Fitness, Electronic City, Agis, dan masih banyak lagi yang penawaran unik bagi pemegang kartu. Kunjungi juga Gallery dan Intermezzo untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi penawaran unik untuk pemegang kartu. Info Lengkap Klik disini

Egg card

Through a combination of engaging marketing and practical products Egg have created an instantly recognisable brand image and established themselves as one of the UK’s biggest credit card providers. Typical of their product range, the Egg Credit Card comes replete with an array of appealing features and complimentary extras.

First there are the competitive interest rates and the standard introductory offers: interest free periods on balance transfers (3% fee applies) and purchases. Second, Egg offer a 0% balance transfer anniversary bonus (2.5% fee applies), and further promote brand loyalty through the chance to enjoy discounted Egg insurance products. And to top it off cardholders are entitled to a wealth of cashback and discount offers at a variety of retail outlets including Dixons, Thomas Cook and Virgin Wines. For more information on the Egg Credit Card or to apply online please click on the links below.

More Information Click Here

Credit Card Criminal, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia

DENPASAR, Bali: Local police have captured a long-time suspect who is allegedly responsible for masterminding credit card fraud in the country after seven years' hunt, Antara reported on Saturday.

The suspect, Budiarto Wibowo, 38, was caught red-handed as he was engaged in a transaction using an American Express (Amex) credit card to buy a mobile phone at a branch of the giant bookstore chain Gramedia on Thursday.

Amex management reported to the local police after finding out that the name on the credit card was different from that on his identity card.

""As he was trying to make a cash payment and leave the shop for his car, police arrested him without resistance,"" Denpasar Police chief Adj. Comr. Husein Abubakar said on Saturday.

In a search conducted at his home, police confiscated around 170 forged credit cards from various local and foreign banks, two imprinting machines, a skimming device, 69 invoices and four lists of bank identity numbers.

Budiarto is believed to be one of the ring leaders of white collar crime in Indonesia, as well as being involved in such crime in Asia, Europe and America. He was arrested for the first time in Jakarta in 1994 for the same crime, but later escaped prosecution.

Veifikasi Paypal Tanpa Credit Card

Verifikasi paypal sangat di perlukan agar account anda benar-benar bisa di gunakan secara penuh, anda juga bisa melakukannya belakangan. Anda bisa join dulu beberapa program yang membayar via paypal dan jika sudah mempunyai saldo di paypal maka bisa melakuakan verifikasi. Tapi jika anda ingin memakainya untuk melakukan transaksi jual-beli via website maka account anda harus di verifikasi dulu Agar paypal anda bisa di gunakan dengan baik, transfer, terima, withdraw dll, maka perlu verifikasi dulu.

Ada banyak cara untuk melakukan verifikasi paypal yaitu dengan Credit card, Debit Card, Prepaid credit card dll.

  • Untuk Credit card dari bank di indonesia yang bisa digunakan verifikasi al dari: HSBC Visa - BNI Visa - Mandiri Visa - Citibank Mastercard - BCA Mastercard - BRI Mastercard. Jika anda verifikasi dengan memakai Credit card maka anda bisa mengisi rekening paypal dari Credit Card tersebut. Jika anda memakai credit card maka 4 digit kode dari paypal bisa anda temukan di print out bulanan credit card anda, jadi proses verifikasi harus menunggu 4 digit kode yang tercantum di print out statement bulanan credit card anda. Sedangkan DEBIT CARD/ATM keluaran bank di indonesia belum bisa di gunakan untuk verifikasi paypal.

Salah satu tips verifikasi paypal jika anda tidak memiliki credit card adalah dengan menggunakan Virtual Credit card. yaitu berupa kartu kredit virtual (Tanpa kartu fisik). VCC ada yang bisa di pake verifikasi saja dan tak bisa di isi( nol balance), ada juga VCC yang bisa di isi dana sehingga bisa dipakai untuk mengisi dana di account paypal anda. Paypal tidak melarang penggunaan prepaid credit card ini (lihat di bagian withdraw fund with debit card/prepaid card).

Anda bisa membeli dan mencari penyedia VCC sekaligus meminta bantuan untuk melakukan verifikasi sampai selesai. biasanya biayanya antara $5-$20 . Daripada membuat Credit card sendiri yang biayanya tentu cukup mahal. Anda bisa menggunakan liberty reserve untuk membeli VCC nya. Sebaiknya anda cari penyedia yang bisa langsung di hubungi via chat online agar anda bisa langsung di pandu cara melakukan verifikasi paypal. Jangan lupa catat data nomor VCC yang anda terima beserta expuse numbernya dan simpan baik-baik. jadi bila nanti paypal melakukan cek acak untuk proteksi maka anda punya data VCC tersebut. Verifikasi hanya sekali saja dan account anda akan verified selamanya.

Untuk penjual vcc lokal di :

Anda bisa mencari penjual VCC yang harganya murah mulai dari $5 : Klik disini

Contoh / info beberapa penyedia VCC sbb klik saja:

1. VCC-$10 via Libertyreserve saja ( )

2. VCC-$9.99 via LRdan $14,99 via paypal

3. VCC $20 bisa LR, pp, LR dll

Contoh yang saya pake untuk verifikasi : Saya memesan VCC dari

Jika anda berminat sebaiknya yang bisa di kontak langsung via Chat saja. Anda bisa kontak langsung ke Yahoo Messenger nya id: virtualcredit_card (email: dan katakan saja "help to verify paypal". Biasanya anda disuruh membayar biayanya dulu via liberty reserve sesuai permintaan penjualnya, setelah itu anda akan menerima nomor VCC dan Expuse number nya (VISA) dalam beberapa menit. Anda tinggal masukkan data nomor VCC tersebut di bagian "Add Credit Card" di member area paypal anda. Setelah itu paypal akan mengecek/mencarge VCC nya sebesar $1.95 dan mengirim Kode ke penjual VCC tersebut ( Anda harus meminta 4 digit kode ini ke dan bisa anda masukkan ke paypal anda. Setelah proses ini maka account anda akan verified dan paypal akan mengembalikan $1.95 ke rekening paypal anda. Artinya anda nanti akan verified dan memperoleh $1.95 dengan mengeluarkan biaya pembelian VCC tersebut.

Perhatian: Saya tidak ada hubungan apapun dengan penjual VCC ini. Semua aturan dan prosedur sebaiknya anda tanyakan langsung pada yang bersangkutan.

Source :

Tutorial Pembayaran Menggunakan Credit Card

Kini IDwebhost menerima pembayaran melalui Credit Card, sehingga makin memudahkan Anda untuk melakukan pengaktifan domain, hosting, maupun layanan lain di IDwebhost secara cepat, dimanapun, dan kapanpun Anda berada.

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah pembayaran menggunakan Credit Card:

Langkah 1

Pertama silakan Anda registrasi seperti biasa di IDwebhost, bisa untuk pembelian domain, hosting, maupun layanan lainnya.

Web Hosting Order 1

Langkah 2

Setelah menyelesaikan order Anda, silakan cek kembali order tersebut dengan melihat rincian produk yang Anda beli beserta rincian biayanya. Setelah itu klik tombol ‘Check Out’.

Web Hosting Order 2

Langkah 3

Setelah order selesai untuk total tagihan di atas Rp 10.000,- akan muncul menu untuk melakukan pembayaran melalui PayPal dan Credit Card. Jika Anda ingin melakukan pembayaran menggunakan Credit Card, silakan pilih menu ini.

Web Hosting Order 3

Langkah 4

Secara otomatis maka sistem IDwebhost akan mengkonversi total tagihan Anda dari Rupiah (IDR) ke US Dollar (USD), berdasarkan kurs yang berlaku saat itu, ditambah pajak sebesar 5%.

Jika Anda sudah memiliki account PayPal silakan login di form login sebelah kanan, jika belum maka silakan klik ‘Continue Check Out’.

Web Hosting CC Payment

Langkah 5

Isikan data diri Anda secara lengkap, dan juga informasi Credit Card yang ingin Anda gunakan untuk pembayaran. Setelah itu klik ‘Agree and Continue’

Web Hosting CC Payment 2

Setelah pembayaran kami terima, maka secara otomatis sistem akan mengirimkan email ke IDwebhost. Namun untuk pastinya silakan konfirmasikan pembayaran Anda tersebut kepada Customer Support kami yang sedang bertugas, sehingga bisa segera dilakukan pengecekan dan account Anda lebih cepat aktif.

Selamat mencoba!

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